Wednesday 22 July 2015

Causes,Symptoms and homoeopathic treatment of Thalassemia

What is Thalassemia?

Thalassemia is a form of inherited autosomal recessive blood disorder in which body forms abnormal form of hemoglobin(the protein which carries oxygen).It result in the destruction of red blood cells which lead to anaemia.It is caused by mutuation in gene that produces Hemoglobin.Thalassemia result in Bone deformities and cardiovascular disease.Thalassemia resemble in other genetic problem affecting hemoglobin.i.e Sickle cell disease.


1.It occurs when there is mutuation and abnormality in the gene that produces hemoglobin.This is a genetic problem.

2.It one of your parent is carrier of this disease,you may develop a for of thalassemia 'Minor'.If this occur, you will probably not have symptoms but you will be a carrier of this disease.


Alpha Thalssemia

The alpha thalassemia  usually have no symptoms.the symptoms of beta thalassemia are

Beta Thalassemia

The symptoms of beta thalassemia major usually starts at around six month and include

1.Growth problem(not growing in height)
2.Jaundice(a liver disease characterized by yellow discoloration of skin)
3.Swallon abdomen(due to enlarged spleen or liver)
4.Anemia(a condition in which there is a defeciency of Red Blood cells or Hemoglobin)

Homoeopathic Treatment

Carcinosin,Nuxvomica,Lycopodium,Sepia,Calcarea,carb,Ignatia,Tuberculinum,lecithinum, Avenasativa,Arsenicumalbum,CeanothusAmericanus,Manganum aceticum,Thyroidinum,
CalcareaPhos,Alfalfa,Zincum metallicum,Urtica urens,Cadmium sulph,Nitricum acidum,Carbo veg,Magnesia carbonica,Carbo animalis,Aurum met,China officinalis,Thuja occidentalis

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