Tuesday 4 August 2015

Best 10 uses of Grapes

Uses of Grapes

1.Grapes is used for preventing heart disease,varicose vein and blood vessels.
2.It is used for hardening of arteries(atherosclerosis),high blood pressure and stroke.
3.It is also used for constipation.
4.It is also used to cure diabetes such as nerve,hay fever,night vision and eye problems.
5.It is also used for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and diarrhea.
6.It is also used for canker sores.
7.It is also used for alzheimer's disease.
8.It is useful to prevent dyspepsia.
9.It is used to relieve constipation. 
10.It is also used for anti-aging purposes.

Best 10 uses of Apple


                One Apple a day keeps the doctor away"


Uses of Apple

1.It is used for glowing skin.
2.It could keep alzheimer's disease away and helps in anti-aging.
3.Eating apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth.
4.Fibers present in apple protect against parkinson's disease.
5.It prevents from cancer.
6.It decreases risk of diabetes because of high fiber contents in apples.
7.It prevents gallstones.

8.It helps in diarrhea and treats constipation.
9.It boost body immune system(It contains antioxidant that boost immune system).
10.It prevents cataract.

Best 10 uses of Mangoes

Uses of Mangoes

1.It prevents the cancer because research have shown that it contains antioxidant that prevent colon,Breast cancer etc.
2.It lowers blood cholesterol level.
3.It heals the skin(eliminate pimples).
4.It is also needed for eye health(it contains vitamin A which is necessary for vision).
5.It improves the digestive system(It contains fibers that helps in digestion)
6.It improves sex(It contains vitamin E).
7.It prevents from heat stroke(It helps to cool down the body).
8.It prevents hair loss.
9.It helps in diabetes by keeping normal insulin level.
10.It prevents heart disease(the fiber and vitamin in mangoes reduces risk of cardiovascular disease).


Monday 3 August 2015

Causes and Symptoms of Mers-coV

           A corona virus is a type of virus that causes infection in your throat and  nose.MERS  is a type of viral respiratory disease that was first identified in Saudi Arabia.


1. It spread through infected people coughing and sneezing and by touching an infected  person hand or face.
2. It also spread through direct contact with respiratory secretion and body fluid.


1.Runny nose

4.Sore throat

7.Shortness of breath


Sunday 2 August 2015

Causes and Symptoms of dengue fever



       Dengue fever is caused by a virus called dengue virus.Its virus is spread by a mosquito.when a mosquito bites a person having dengue virus,THE Virus enters the mosquito.When a mosquito bites another person(healthy),the virus enters that person bloodstream.


1.Severe headache
2.Bleeding from nose,gum etc
5.High fever

6.Joint pain  and  back pain
7.Pain in eyeball

8.Skin rash

Thursday 30 July 2015

Causes and Symptoms of Jaundice

               Jaundice is a liver disease characterized by yellow pigmentation of skin and white eyes caused by increased amount of bilirubin in the blood.Jaundice is the early stage of Hepatitis.


The substance bilirubin is a waste product produced when red blood cells are broken.It is transported to the liver where it mixes with the fluid called bile.It is excreted in urine or stools.It is a substance that gives yellowish color to urine.The obstruction in the movement of bilirubin from blood to liver and out of body causes the jaundice.


1.Yellowish color of skin
2.White eyes
4.Stomach pain
5.Loss of appetite
6.Weight loss

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Causes and Symptoms of Asthma


1.Genetic problem
2.Environmental factors
3. Trigger by allergens(mites,animal dander)
4.Respiratory tract infection
5.Exposure to cigarette smoke


2.Chest tightness
4.Shortness of breath
5.Respiratory infection
6.Chest pain
7.Feeling tired
8.Sleeping problem
10.Nasal congestion

Monday 27 July 2015

Causes,Symptoms and treatment of Blood Cancer

                Blood Cancer is a type of cancer that affect normal functioning of Blood cell,Lymphatic system and Bone.It start in bone where blood cells are produced and matured.It is characterized by uncontrolled cells growth in blood.These cancerous cells prevent normal blood cells to perform the role in body.


1.Leukemia(It occur in bone marrow where blood are produced.There are two types of leukemia.In each type a large number of white blood cells are produced called lymphocytes).

2.Lymphoma(It is a type of blood cancer that affects normal functioning of lymphatic system.this cancer spread infection throughout the body.)

3.Myeloma(It is a type of cancer that affects the plasma cells of bone marrow.It inflammed the plasma cells of the bone.These cells make antibodies(substance that fight against disease).


1.Radiation exposure
2.Genetic mutation
3.environmental factors
4.Radiation exposure


1.Loss of appetite
3.weakness or tiredness
4.Internal Bleeding
5.Severe infection
6.Pain in Bone
7.Inflammation of lymph
8.Poor blood clotting

Natural Treatment of Blood Cancer


Homoeopathic Treatment of Blood Cancer

6.Uncaria tormentosa
9.Plumbum iodide
11.Scutellaria barbata

Saturday 25 July 2015

Causes,Symptoms and Homoeopathic treatment of Lung Cancer

         Lung Cancer is one of the most dangerous type of Cancer.It is carcinoma of the lungs.It is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth of the tissue of the lungs.It produces abnormal cells in the tissue of the lung.


1.Cigarette smoke
2.Cancer causing agents called carcinogens
3.Passive smoking
4.COPD(Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
5.Harmful substance present in air
6.Cannabis is a substance which causes lung cancer


1.Weight loss
2.Coughing with blood and pus
3.Shortness of breath
4.Loss of appetite
6.Infections such as Pneumonia and Emphysema
10.Pain in joints

Natural treatment of Lung Cancer

1.Astragalus(It inhibit cancer cells growth)
2.Asparagus(It is used to treat lung cancer)

Homoeopathic treatment of Lung Cancer

3.Thuja occidentalis
4.cadmium sulph
6.Urtica urens
7.Geranium maculatum
9.carbo animalis
10.Acidum picricum
11.Kali phosphoricum

Friday 24 July 2015

Causes,symptoms and Homoeopathic treatment of neurasthenia

           Neurasthenia is actually the weakness of body nerves.It is a disease in which patients suffer a lot of fatigue.It is characterized by chronic fatigue and back iches.


2.Viral disease
3.High stress job


4.Spinal irritation
5.Loss of appetite
7.Inability to concentrate

Natural Cure of Neurasthenia

1.Poria cocos
2.Ziziphus jujuba
3.Radix bupleuri
4.Paeony root
5.Scutellaria baicalensis

Homoeopathic treatment of Neurasthenia

3.Phosphoric acid
4.Acidum oxalicum
5.Ambra grisea
6.Acidum picronitricum
7.Secale Cor
8.Oxalic acid

Thursday 23 July 2015

Causes,Symptoms and Homoeopathic treatment of Hepatitis

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Causes,Symptoms and homoeopathic treatment of Brain disease


            It is  a type of brain disease in which loss of memory occur.A part of brain called temporal lobe is responsible for this disease.It is responsible for processing,memory storage and receives sensory information such as sound and speech from the ears.It usually occur due to trauma,herpes,malnutrition and inflammation of the brain called encephalitis.It can be diagnosed through Blood test etc.

Alzheimer's disease

                 It is most common cause of Dementia( a disease characterized by memory loss,speech problems,degeneration of the brain).It is the commonest cause of premature senility.Symptoms of alzheimer's disease vary from one person to another.In early stages, patient notices increasing memory loss and decreasing memory power and reasoning skills.It symptoms is forgetting a name and cannot remember if He/She wear glasses.


                 It is a group of neurological disorders characterized by unprovoked seizures.It is caused by Brain injury,Stroke,Brain tumors and alcohol abuse.It may also caused by Genetic mutation.
Seizures are a result of excessive and abnormal cortical nerve cell activity.This disease may cause brain damage which causes other body disease such as mental retardation.It may be caused by low oxygen at birth,infection such as Meningitis.


             Stroke occur due to problems with the blood supply either blood supply is blocked or blood vessels in the brain damages.During a stroke,the Brain does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients causing brain cells to die.Symptoms of stroke is Bladder or Bowel control problems.Depression,Trouble controlling or expressing emotions.


             A mental condition characterized by great difficulty in communicating reduced Brain normal functioning,impairment of social interaction and restrict behaviour.It is a neurodevelopmental disorder causes severe impairment in thinking.There is no exact cause of Autism.Genetic problem is also cause of Autism.Symptoms include significant problem include non verbal communication skills,failure to establish friendship,lack of understanding other emotions.


                   It is a type of brain disorder characterized by unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from cerebral haemorrhage and paralysis of various part of body.It occur due to internal bleeding, when an artery which carries the blood in brain damages or rupture.

Brain Tumor

                            It occurs when an abnormal cells form within the brain.Its symptoms include headache,nausea,vomiting changes in speech, vision and hearing.

Homoeopathic treatment of Brain disease

2.Kali phos
4.Usnea bar.
6.Baryta Carb


Wednesday 22 July 2015

Causes,Symptoms and homoeopathic treatment of Thalassemia

What is Thalassemia?

Thalassemia is a form of inherited autosomal recessive blood disorder in which body forms abnormal form of hemoglobin(the protein which carries oxygen).It result in the destruction of red blood cells which lead to anaemia.It is caused by mutuation in gene that produces Hemoglobin.Thalassemia result in Bone deformities and cardiovascular disease.Thalassemia resemble in other genetic problem affecting hemoglobin.i.e Sickle cell disease.


1.It occurs when there is mutuation and abnormality in the gene that produces hemoglobin.This is a genetic problem.

2.It one of your parent is carrier of this disease,you may develop a for of thalassemia 'Minor'.If this occur, you will probably not have symptoms but you will be a carrier of this disease.


Alpha Thalssemia

The alpha thalassemia  usually have no symptoms.the symptoms of beta thalassemia are

Beta Thalassemia

The symptoms of beta thalassemia major usually starts at around six month and include

1.Growth problem(not growing in height)
2.Jaundice(a liver disease characterized by yellow discoloration of skin)
3.Swallon abdomen(due to enlarged spleen or liver)
4.Anemia(a condition in which there is a defeciency of Red Blood cells or Hemoglobin)

Homoeopathic Treatment

Carcinosin,Nuxvomica,Lycopodium,Sepia,Calcarea,carb,Ignatia,Tuberculinum,lecithinum, Avenasativa,Arsenicumalbum,CeanothusAmericanus,Manganum aceticum,Thyroidinum,
CalcareaPhos,Alfalfa,Zincum metallicum,Urtica urens,Cadmium sulph,Nitricum acidum,Carbo veg,Magnesia carbonica,Carbo animalis,Aurum met,China officinalis,Thuja occidentalis